H om es
JL JL and Gardens
Gayle Goodson Butler
Ed ito r in C hief
Kitty Morgan
Executive Editor
Lamont D. Olson
M anaging Editor
Michael D. Belknap
Art D irector
Sen io r D eputy Ed itor, Hom e Design
O m a Blaise Ford
Group Ed itor, G arden and O utdoor Living
D ougJim erson
A ssista n t D eputy Editor
Kelly Ryan Kegans
D eputy Editor
Eric Liskey
East C o ast Editor
Kristine Kennedy
Sen ior A sso ciate Editor
Susan A ppleget H urst
W est C o ast Editor
Paige P orter
Ed ito rial A ssistan t
Jacque W ittick
Sen io r In terio r D esigner
Joseph Boehm
Sen ior Editors
M eredith Ladik, A m y Panos, Kit Selzer
Sen io r Editor, Fash ion and Beauty
Melissa M ilrad G oldstein
A ssista n t Editor
Joanna Sm ith
A ssistan t Editor
Kelly L Phillips
Ed ito rial A ssistan ts
Peggy D augherty, Renae Gray
D eputy Ed itor, Features and Fam ily M atters
Stephen C. George
D eputy Editor, Food and En tertain ing
Nancy W all H opkins
D eputy Editor, Health
C hristian M illm an
Sen ior Editor
Richard Swearinger
Ed ito rial A ssistan t
D oris Lohrm an
A sso ciate Editor
Erin Sim pson
Ed ito rial A ssistan t
Renee Irey
A ssistan t M anaging Editor
K risti Chew
Sp ecial Pro jects Editor
M ike B utler
D eputy Art D irectors
Shelley Caldwell, S co tt Johnson, Karla Jo Knipper
M akeup Editor
Linda Sm ith Thom as
A sso ciate Art D irector
Am y Davis
A sso ciate M akeup Editor
C indy M urphy
Sen io r G rap h ic D esigner
Jensie Lauritsen Miksich
Copy Editor
Andrea Kline
G rap h ic D esigner
Maggie M eyer
O ffice M anager
G inger Bassett
Photography C oord in ator
H olly P ruett
A d m in istrative A ssistan t
Linda Newsom
Test K itchen D irector
Lynn Blanchard
Editor at Large
EIvin M cDonald
Test Garden M anager
Sandra J. Gerdes
Sp ecial Pro jects M anager
B re tt W ilson
C o n trib u tin g Ed itor, Livin g Green
Regional Contributors
Lisa Mowry,
Barbara Nielsen,
Baton Rouge, LA;
Sandra M ohlm anr,
Charleston, SC;
Elaine Markoutsas, Shirley Remes, Hilary Rose,
Diane Carroll
Fayetteville, AR;
Denise Gee,
Khristi Zimmeth,
Eileen Alexandra Deymier,
Easton, MD;
Susan Fox.
Galveston, T X ;
Joetta Moulden.
Betsy Harris,
Susan Andrews. M arty Ross.
Kansas City;
Stephanie Rommel,
Lexington, KY;
Robin Tucker, Laura Hull,
Los Angeles;
Shawn Gilliam, Alecia Stevens,
Stacy Kunstei.
Anna Molvik,
New Paltz, NY;
Bonnie Maharam, John Loecke,
New York;
Cynthia Bogart,
Susan Salomon,
Portland, ME;
Barbara Mundall, Jan Behrs.
Portland, OR;
Bonnie Broten, Helen Yoes:,
Raleigh, NC;
Andrea Caughey,
San Diego;
Donna Talley.
Saratoga Springs, NY;
Trish Maharam, Loralee Wenger,
Heather Lobdell,
Tiburon, CA;
Kahn Lidbeck-Brent,
Woodbury, CT
Andy Sareyan
P resid en t,
e tte r Homes and G ardens'
James T. Carr
V ice P rcsid e n t/G ro u p P u b lish er
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Associate Publisher, Marketing
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Advertising Business Manager;
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Brand Licensing
Jack Griffin
Executive Vice President
Andy Sareyan
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Editorial Director
Gayle Goodson Butler
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Tina Steil
New Media Marketing Services
Andy Wilson
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President and Chief Executive Officer
William T. Kerr.
Chairman of the Board
In Memoriam — E. T. Meredith III, 1933-2003
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